
Welcome the the Mothers Inc Weight Watchers Support Team Blog. Feel free to read and submit posts as you like!! Lets do this together!!

Monday, May 29, 2006


Alright ladies - its weigh in day! If you lost alot...GREAT! If you lost a little - your doing awesome and it will be even more next week. If you didn't lose at all or you gained weight ... go back and look at your journal and points chart to see if you are calculating correctly according to your current weight. Remember - drink LOTS of water too!

One week down...can you believe how fast it is going? Honestly - I don't think it has been as difficult as I thought it was going to be. I think this support group has really helped me be accountable for my actions and given me lots of ideas on what I can and can't eat! How is everyone else doing... I am ready to adjust the tickers and hand out some stars!! JENNIFER

1st week weight loss:

Jennifer: 4lbs
Angel: 0lbs
Catherine: 3lbs
Laurie: +3lbs
Lindsay: 1 lbs
Julia: 5lbs
Crystal: N/A
Zoƫ: 3lbs
Christy: 3lbs

The Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting award goes to: JULIA!!!

Our total group weight loss for week 1 was: 19 lbs

Just as an extra note:
JULIA has earned her first star for 5lb weight loss!! Go Julia.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Points equation!

We've had family in town and have been super busy. The boys are fit to be tied over all the activity so it's good that everyone is heading home soon! I've been bad as far as eating goes since we've been out a lot but we'll see how tomorrow morning looks. I think it'll actually be OK based on quick checks this week.

I did some looking and found the actual weight watchers points equation that is listed in their patent (# 6040513 if anyone cares to look it up). If you don't have the calculator handy, this will help you figure stuff out!

p = (c / 50) + (f / 12) - (min{r,4} / 5)

p = points
c = calories
f = fat grams
r = dietary fiber grams

min{r,4} means the lower number between dietary fiber and 4. So if somehting has 8 grams of dietary fiber, you would use the number 4. If it had 2 grams of dietary fiber, you would use the number 2. Hope this helps!!!

*edit to add my name - oops!*

Saturday, May 27, 2006


Okay, I know today isn't weigh in day, but I don't have a scale, and the Y is closed on Monday for Memorial Day, so I had to weigh myself this AM when I was there. I've lost 3 lbs since Monday.
My goal this week is to drink more water- I know I'm terrible with that.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Added A Weight Watchers Event

Hey girlies,

I added a get together on the event list for Tues. June 6th~Check it out and hope ya can make it! ~laurie~

Point Calculator

I found this website that I think you guys would get a lot use out of. It is mainly for the people that don't have the actual WW sliding scale and the calculator that they give you. This website will calculate the number of points a food item is based on the number of calories, fat, and fiber in the product!

Check it out:

I am going to add this link to the right sidebar as well as "FIND MY POINT VALUE" Jennifer

Curbing the munchies

So I just realized that being a SAHM is sometimes boring, and that's when I snack. I never snacked out of boredom when I was teaching because I didn't have the opportunity to do that. To stop myself from munching, I take Chloe out of the house for walks at the mall, shady park, etc. in the afternoons.

What do you do to stop yourself from snacking?


Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Anyone know how many points are in a serving of regular goldfish? I'm watching Abby eat them, and they look soooooo good.
I've GOT to get a point calculator thing...

A little piece of heaven!!

So - we are a bit slow at work right now.. just wanted to make sure you guys knew that I hadn't dropped off the face of the earth! I have been doing great with WW! I am so's really hard to cheat when you are getting eat some of your favorite foods! Wanted to share something with you guys - I HAVE FOUND A LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN!! The smart ones Cookie Dough Sundae is only 3 points and has got to be the best dessert I have had in a long time... seriously, it doesn't even taste low cal or anything! I am one of those people that has to have something sweet every night after dinner... and I am totally hooked on this! You've gotta try it!!

Also, I don't know about ya'll, but I have an obsession with the scale when I am on a diet - and I know that's the worst thing you can do. To be honest (I can't believe I am saying this) but when dieting I have been known to get one the scale like 4 or 5 times a day. Ugh - that's obsured!. Anyways - I have an idea. I think since we started this Monday - we should put away our scales and only weigh on Mondays... that way - eveyone can report to me how much they've lost and I can update our tickers!! I think only weighing once a week would be so much better - because we all know we are going to have days where we weigh more than others... and that is just down right depressing when you are dieting!

Anyways - I should head out... I think there is someone that just stopped breathing or something - JK!! :) I know you guys are doing great and I'm so proud of our group!! I heard a little fact one time - that after 3 weeks of doing something on a regular just becomes habit for you!! I would love for this diet just to become habit for me.... C'mon 3 weeks!! Jenn

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

WW recipes - bouillon

I bought the WW's complete recipe book and saw that almost everything has bouillon granules in the recipe. I never buy bouillon so when I did and opened it to cook yesterday, it smelled like bad ramen noodle soup. Since bouillon is basically just powdered soup base to make a stock, can I just substitute with my own soup stock or canned (low-sodium, fat free) broth without changing the points of a meal?

I went ahead and used my own soup stock because I couldn't stomach the smell of bouillon. (It also has MSG in it.)


Monday, May 22, 2006

Hi ya!

Hey ya'll - I am running a bit late for work so I don't have time to answer any questions right now...will do it when i get off at 7am. Just wanted to let you know that today went GREAT!! Hopefully I will hold my willpower at work too...there always seems to be something sweet there!! One question - anyone know if nestea has points?? Jenn

Already confused...

Anyone know how to calculate the number of points in a food? After dinner, I'll be 6 points short of what I'm allowed, so I'm considering dessert... heh, heh, heh.

Easy Dinners

I don't know if others are like me, but sometimes the hardest part about WW (and any lifestyle where you are not eating out of a paper bag) is the time it can take shopping and preparing, chopping, slicing, etc fresh food---so I am always looking for ways to cut down on my time in the kitchen. If anyone has good suggestions on fast and easy things please pass it on. I will start....If you buy fresh shrimp at HEB, they will boil it in the shrimp boil seasonings right there on the spot for you. I grew up on Galveston Bay--so boiled shrimp has always pretty much been a staple of my diet.

First Day Screw Up!

Ok, so it's officially the first day and I pretty much blew it!!! What is up with me?!?!?! I took the boys to Chuck E Cheeses and started off by getting a salad. Not a bad choice you say~we'll add 3 pieces of pizza to that!!! Points wise I still have room for something else for dinner. I've used 16 total so that means I have to have 4 pt dinner. I just can't believe my willpower went straight out the window! Ugh!!!! ~Laurie~

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Alright ladies...ready - set - GO! I am so glad that we are doing this together. I went grocery shopping last night and managed to stock up on mostly Healthy Choice, Smart One, and Lean Cuisine meals. They have the points marked right on the box - what a no brainer - and NOOOOO dishes to clean up when you are done! I love that for sure. I even went out and bought I new scale.. a digital one with a tenths place to keep close tabs. I looked like an idiot in the store though - I must have weighed myself on a gazillion different scales ... I had to buy the one that showed the lowest number - DUH!!! How often should we weigh ourselves. Once a start a new diet - it is really insane how many times I will step on a scale in one day. I know I know - that's bad...but its almost like it is an obsession. Well, I'd love to hear how everyone is READY TO GO! Jenn

PS - I had to stay up all night tonight - because I need to sleep all day tomorrow before going to work overnight. I know we aren't supposed to start working out yet... but I am so siked - that I burned 300cal on the elliptical machine. I don't think I am going to add the extra points for activity just yet though!

Question for Everyone

Hi guys, hope you all had a great weekend. Well I've been giving this a great deal of thought and I've decided that now is not the best time for me to start weight watchers. I've already lost almost 40 lbs. since Brody's been born just by watching what I eat and drinking tons of water. I think that if I just keep doing that and start working out I'll be alright, as long as I stick with it. I think that if I started WW I would just get really really obsessive about the points (I'm incredably type A) and I just don't have the time and energy right now to do that, what with the baby, the puppy and work. But I still would love to be a part of the 'weight loss group' and contribute to the posts and all that. I think it would help me to keep eating right and stay accountable. Is that alright with everyone? ~ Zoe

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Comment Section

I just wanted to make sure that you all know that you can leave comments to each posting on the website. After each post - in the bottom right hand corner there is some dark font color that says - COMMENT. You should check this area daily to see what is new. I also think this would be the perfect place to ask a question or something regarding the matter that was originally posted. If you guys have any questions - just hollar!! Jenn

***Activity Points ***

Hey guys - did you know that when you start working out ... you can add points to your daily menu! Here's what Laurie says about the point system. If you have any questions regarding this - she would be the one to contact as I am just learning about it as well...

*At the beginning of your 3rd week you can start earning activity pts. Not before then.

* Activity points earned MUST BE USED in the day that they were earned. You cannot carry them or save them for another day.

First you have to identify your intesity level.

High--Activities that make you sweat. Examples include jogging, running, competive swimming, or competive biking, aerobics.

Moderate--Activities that probably make you break a sweat. Examples include walking at a fast pace or biking.

Light--Light activities that do not make you sweat. Examples include streatching or walking at a leisurely pace.

*The second thing to look at is the amount of time or minutes of activity.

15 mins
30 mins.
60 mins.

* Third thing is your body weight.

100-145 lbs. 15 mins=0 pts
146-350 lbs. 15 mins=1 pt

100-210 lbs. 30 mins=1 pt
211-350 lbs. 30 mins=2 pts

100-110 lbs. 60 mins=1 pt
111-180 lbs. 60 mins=2 pts
181-250 lbs. 60 mins=3 pts
251-320 lbs. 60 mins=4 pts
321-350 lbs. 60 mins=5 pts

100-310 lbs. 15 mins= 1pt
311-350 lbs. 15 mins=2 pts

100-150 lbs. 30 mins=1 pt
151-260 lbs. 30 mins=2 pts
261-350 lbs. 30 mins=3 pts

100-130 lbs. 60 mins=2 pts
131-180 lbs. 60 mins=3 pts
181-230 lbs. 60 mins=4 pts
231-280 lbs. 60 mins=5 pts
281-330 lbs. 60 mins=6 pts

100-125 lbs. 15 mins=1 pt
126-210 lbs. 15 mins=2 pts
211-290 lbs. 15 mins=3 pts
291-350 lbs. 15 mins=4 pts

100-145 lbs. 30 mins=3pts
146-185 lbs. 30 mins=4 pts
186-230 lbs. 30 mins=5 pts
231-270 lbs. 30 mins=6 pts
271-310 lbs. 30 mins=7 pts
311-350 lbs. 30 mins=8 pts

100-115 lbs. 60 mins=5 pts
116-135 lbs. 60 mins=6 pts
136-160 lbs. 60 mins=7 pts
161-180 lbs. 60 mins=8 pts
181-200 lbs. 60 mins=9 pts
201-220 lbs. 60 mins=10 pts
221-240 lbs. 60 mins=11 pts
241-260 lbs. 60 mins=12 pts
260-350 lbs. 60 mins=13 pts

Whew! I hope all this makes sense. Feel free to let me know if you need anything else!
Laurie and Jennifer

I'm so excited about this!

I'm in---we'll I've been in since Jan. I started w.w. Jan 9th and LOVE it. I've lost a little over 21 lbs. so far and still have another 15 or so to go. I think support is important and like Lindsay said JOURNAL, JOURNAL, JOURNAL. It makes me accountable and also helps me see where I'm at throughout the day. I do go to the weekly meetings ONLY because they make me weigh in and again it's the accountability thing. That's just the motivation that I needed personally though. I had a friend that did weight watchers and NEVER went to a meeting (did it all on her own) and lost 65 lbs.! It's possible!!! If anyone has any questions I'll be more than happy to help where ever I can. Good luck everyone and lets shed those pounds!!! Laurie

Friday, May 19, 2006

Learn how to leave an audio message!!

this is an audio post - click to play


Have you had your last sweet tooth binges...cleaned out the closets...prepared some meal plans!! Just don't forget - we're in this together!! IT'S A TEAM EFFORT!! How's everybody doing?? Jennifer

Okay, guys, I'm in.

I've done Atkins in the past, but it wasn't working post Abby.
I've been working out, and trying to watch what I eat, but it's not working.
So here I am, my last effort before I start researching surgeries and other drastic measures.
Ultimate goal is losing 145 lbs. Can't believe I'm admitting that.
That number is so huge and intimidating, I asked Jennifer to just put 73 on my ticker so I don't get too frustrated.
I'm shopping today, and starting Monday- the day Mike leaves for a business trip. Yikes!

Morning walks

If anyone would like to join me and Chloe, we'll be walking at Elizabeth Milburn park at 8 am Tuesday and Thursday mornings. If 8 am starts to get unbearably hot, then I think we may do power walking at Lakeline Mall with all the other old fogies. :-)


Thursday, May 18, 2006


I have added a whole bunch of sample menus to the right hand column! It lists all the ingredients you'll need for breakfast, lunch, and dinner - how many points the whole day is's awesome!! Ok guys ...I am exhausted from getting this site set up! I think I am going to hit the hay for tonight - but if you think of some more stuff that we can add to make it TOTALLY USER FRIENDLY let me know and I'll add it on or teach you guys how to add it on!! 4 days till Monday.... YEA!! Jennifer

Weight Loss Ticker

Make sure you guys email me the number of pounds that you want to lose so that I can build you a ticker...every little "tick" counts. I am only going to adjust it every 5 pounds though!! JENNIFER

Now I'm Really Excited!

I just finished looking at the site that comes up if you click on Helpful Point Calculator - WOW! It has everything!!!!! I just printed out 'Al's Journal Sheets' and the Thermometer, it has got me super motivated and excited to start on Monday. I'm ready to lose all this horrible baby weight! ~ Zoe

This is GREAT!!

This is a really good idea. I just talked my husband into buying me a treadmill, but I just can't stop eating the stuff that I shouldn't! I'm a sucker for oreos and milk around 10pm. The worst thing to eat right before bed, I know. Plus, it is really hard to get looking the way you did pre-baby. Not to mention after two babies in a row!! I look forward to starting on Monday!


Hey guys - I am going to keep this post at the top of the boards. When you come across good recipes - make sure you add it to our favorites list so everyone can try it!! But please.... NO FISH!! Just Kidding!!!

Zero Point Vegetable Soup

Creamy Macaroni Salad

I have the knowledge

Ok guys -= I got the intro book from Lindsay today... tonight after Alex goes to bed...I'll start dishin' out the dirt!!

Great idea!

I am in! I did weight watchers before and lost 13 lbs. I have been trying to get motivated to start up again. Anytime I go on a "diet", I end up getting so obsessed over the whole thing that I drive myself crazy. I think doing this as a group will definitely help that problem.



I am also a WW junkie (along with my husband). I have been a member online for a long time so I do have access to a bunch of recipes if anyone has any special requests. I was very successful with WW before I became pregnant. 30 lbs in 3 months. But I gained almost 60 lbs with Hudson. This time I very much plateaued with 25 pounds to go--and consequently I have gotten very frustrated lately and fallen off the WW wagon. OBGYN said that nursing can do that to some people. Hudson is now weaned so I am ready to go! YEAH! Julia--I will so take you up on that offer to power walk in the a.m. I need to be accountable to someone.


Good Morning!!

Hey Julia - the WW lunch sounds awesome! I am REALLY new at this whole website/blogging I am going to figure out how I can add a some type of link on here that we can post WW meal plans and designate how many "points" they are. Not sure how to do that yet.... but IT WILL HAPPEN SOMEHOW! Also, if you look on the right hand side column - you can see the WW main page link, and the second link is some lady that has designed a website that lists the point value for almost anything you can imagine! It's great...she has every possible restaraunt, drink, meal, food, vegetable, fruit...I see myself using this webpage a lot.

Because its going to take me a couple of days to read the book...and help us figure out how many "points" we are allowed in a day and stuff... I was thinking that we could plany on officially starting on Monday. That way we could all start together. I also have this plan - on the right hand put a ticker for each person that is involved to keep tally of how many pounds they have lost. I figured that would be a lot NICER than having a ticker that counts down from our starting weight!! UGh - I don't even want to go there.

ALright ladies - sounds like we have a plan! I am totally siked! Jennifer


Hey Guys-

I'm in! I guess I'm the local WW expert, huh? :) I was on WW when we got pg with Zack, so I had to quit. I had lost 21 lbs in 3 months!

WW has a plan for nursing mothers, which is good for me. I'll pass my "Getting Started" booklet on to Jennifer so she can post the point ranges.

Another website that you MUST bookmark is It has points values for all sorts of foods and restaurants. You can't really see any points totals on the WW website unless you pay for their online service.

My tip to all of you is JOURNAL, JOURNAL, JOURNAL. If you put it in your mouth, record the points value. I found that I really had to be obsessive to get it to start working.

And, if you don't work out now, wait until you begin week 3 to start doing that. The program wants you to wait until then so that you get used to eating well and don't have such a huge change.

I'm going to get started on Tuesday. We're going to visit the in-laws in St. Louis this weekend, and I know that I won't be able to diet with my MIL being such a good cook. :)

Lindsay Ballard (mom of Zack)

I'm in!

This is a fabulous idea! I dropped 40 lbs before pregnancy by doing taichi (made it to brown belt level), and it's almost like I never gave birth because I'm still holding almost all the baby weight. I actually need to go back to taichi class, but the class is when Chloe's most fussy so I don't. :-(

Is there anyway we can start a thread with WW recipes? I'm hosting the Wiggle Worms playdate next Tuesday, and I'd like to pack a WW-friendly picnic.

Thanks for starting this support group.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I'm game too. Normal WW isn't in the budget and I'd rather talk to you ladies anyhow! I've lost 48 pounds from the weight I was when I got pregnant with Patrick but I've got a good 87 to go. Mid term goal is to hit 180 which will give me 50 more pounds to go. Do the math to see my original weight, I dare you. :)

Forgot to sign my name. ~ Angel Renee'

I'm Game

Count me in! I lost 80 pounds in the 2 years before I got pregnant doing Atkins. Then during my pregnancy I gained it all back and then some, talk about frusterating!!! Since I can't do Atkins again until I stop breastfeeding I would love to try this. I have a whole closet full of really cute clothes I can't wear, it's driving me nuts! GRRRRRR :) ZOE

More info to come!

Well - I have never done weight watchers I am kinda excited!! Lindsay is going to be giving me her WW book in the I am going to read through it and start posting some of the IMPORTANT info!! I am definately at an all time high myself. I have a treadmill and elliptical machine at my house...but right now its just used for storing laundry on - - WELL THATS ALL ABOUT TO CHANGE!! I have got a good 50lbs to loose myself... and then I will be back in my comfort zone!! It all starts TODAY!! :) JENNIFER
I know I will be getting something out of this. I am all about getting these extra pounds off. I have been working out for about 4 weeks now. I am not really dieting just keeping an eye on my food. I like my food to much to go on a strict diet! I have been getting frustrated these past two weeks because the pounds are not coming off lately but I have realized that all these clothes that were to tight four weeks ago are fitting almost a little to big! YEAH! 75 lbs in ten months. I have a long way to go but it is possible. Good luck all.


Monday, May 01, 2006

Weight Watchers in a NUT SHELL!

Determine how many points you need in a
day according to your current weight:

<150 lbs =" 20">
150-174 lbs = 22 points
175-199 lbs = 24 points
200-224 lbs =26 points
225-249 lbs = 28 points
250-274 lbs = 30 points
275-299 lbs = 31 points
style="color:#000000;">300-324 lbs = 32 ponts
325-349 lbs = 33 points
>350lbs = 34 points


<150 lbs =" 30">
150-174 lbs = 32 points
175-199 lbs = 34 points
200-224 lbs =36 points
225-249 lbs = 38 points
250-274 lbs = 40 points
275-299 lbs = 41 points
300-324 lbs = 42 ponts
325-349 lbs = 43 points
DAILY POINTS: These are your daily allowed points. Stick to
your daily points target to keep your metabolisim going to
carry out basic bodily funtions, and to lose weight at a safe
and healthy rate. Eating below your daily points target on
occasion is OK, but you should not ever go below 20 points.
As you lose weight - you may need to refer back to the chart
to adjust your daily point intake.

BONUS WEEKLY POINTS: In addition to your daily points
you are also allowed a bonus 35 weely points to spend on
whatever you want. Use the weekly points to add a little
something to your meals each day or to treat yourself to a couple
of weekly indulgences. You can use all, some, or none of your
allowance - the choice is up to you!!

Estimating Portion Size: use your hand as a guide
Fist= 1 cup or 1 medium whole fruit
Thumb (tip to base) = 1 ounce of meat of cheese
Thumb (tip to 1st joint) = 1 tablespoon
Fingertip (tip to 1st joint) = 1 teaspoon
Index Finger (1st to 2nd joint) = 1 inch
Cupped hand = 1-2 ounces of nuts or pretzels
Palm (minus fingers) = 3 ounces of cooked meat, poultry, fish

8 good health guidelines:
1. Eat atleast 5 servings of vegetables and fruits each day
2. Choose whole grain foods when possible
3. Include 2 servings of milk products (low fat or fat free) each day
4. Have some healthy oil each day (olive, canola, sunflower, flaxseed)
5. Ensure enough protein - asleast 2 servings
6. Limit added sugar and alcohol
7. Drink atleast 6 glasses of water each day
three of your six glasses can be caffeine free beverages
8. Take a multi vitamin supp each day

1. Increase your milk servings to 3 each day
2. Increase your fruits and veges servings to 8 per day
3. Increase your servings of oil to 3 teaspoons per day
4. Increase your water intake to 8 glasses per day

When you first join weight watchers, choosing and learning
a food plan is your priority. You'll want to focus your
energy on that until you're comfortable with your new
way of eating. Then, in your third'll want to
add approx 30 minutes of activity.

Weight Tracker:
I have uploaded a personal weight loss tracker to the
main Mother Inc website. It is an excel spreadsheet and I have
NO idea how to add it here. It is an awesome log to help
you keep track of how you are doing!

I have also devised a reward system... as follows:
For every 5 pounds you lose - you get a star

When you lose 25lbs you get this:

When you lose 50lbs you get this:

When you lose 75lbs you get this:

When you lose 100lbs you get this:

Point Tracker:
In the right hand column of this webiste you will
see a link that says: DAILY POINT LOG. There you
will find a page that you can print out to keep track
of how many points you have taken in for the day,
as well as how many servings of fruits and veges you
have eaten and how much water you have drank.