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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Curbing the munchies

So I just realized that being a SAHM is sometimes boring, and that's when I snack. I never snacked out of boredom when I was teaching because I didn't have the opportunity to do that. To stop myself from munching, I take Chloe out of the house for walks at the mall, shady park, etc. in the afternoons.

What do you do to stop yourself from snacking?



  • At 2:37 PM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    Writing down everything I eat has really helped. If I think about snacking out of boredom, I really think twice when I know I'll have to write it down and be accountable for it. ~ Zoƫ

  • At 8:31 PM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    As sad as it may seem - I am really trying hard not to buy the junk and snacky stuff. I am going to use one night a week - for me Sunday night - to cup up, peel, and seperate lots of vegetables and fruits that I can snack on throughout the week! Nice - easy access...just open the fridge and there it is! Jennifer

  • At 9:51 PM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    I'm not a huge snacker but when I do here's the things I like.

    Light Lays Potato Chips (taste as good as the real things). 18 for 1 pt.

    Weight Watchers has these smores bars that are 1 pt each. Yummy.

    Chips and Salsa- Baked Tostitos 20 for 2 pts and salsa is 0 pts.

    Bag of Light Popcorn--1-2 pts.

    These are just a few! ~laurie~

  • At 7:09 AM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    I drink a glass of water and do something else for 10 minutes. I'll frequently forget about the munchies. But I try to have healthy stuff on hand just in case I don't forget. :) Reduced fat wheat thins are 2.5 points for 16 crackers. My newest discovery- pop secret has 100 calorie bags of microwave popcorn. It makes a huge amount of popcorn- 5.5 cups according to the label- and it's only 1.5 points. And that's the butter flavor, too. I'm going crazy with this stuff, and I found a new miracle snack for Abby at the same time. :)

  • At 11:45 AM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    I am a bored snacker also. I have been clean and sober for 5 days....Every time I jump on the WW bandwagon I have to go through detox for 2 weeks and then I am fine. I chug water and try to get out of the house, even if it is just to go to the post office. And as sad and unhealthy as it is, I remind myself that I don't want to look like Fat Bastard in a bridesmaid's dress at my sister's wedding in November. Then I picture fat bastard in a chiffon halter dress with my hair.


  • At 5:07 PM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    OMG Crystal u gotta fit in a bridesmaid dress too? my sis's wedding is the end of next month & the back dont zip up (hey dress needs a lil give, whats up w/ that? hehe)
    So thats my inspiration, my hubbie said just get a bigger size & I was like no!! I'll make it fit!

    Hey I just picked up some of the WW microwave meals, they look good!
    BTW I love this protein bar call Gen Soy, the mint ones, I dunno how they are on the point system but they are really tasty ~Christy

  • At 7:07 PM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    Funny how we all have the same stuff going for us... I am going to be a maid of honor (ugh) in Sept and I HAVE GOT to lose gobs of weight by then! Jenn

  • At 8:20 PM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    What is up with the November weddings! I'm in my sister's wedding too on Nov 11 in Dallas which is all the more reason for me to get my lazy butt up and moving. I hadn't realized how much I missed getting in regular exercise since having a baby.

    I miss doing taichi with a group. *sigh* It's just not the same practicing it by myself in the backyard or living room.


  • At 8:20 PM, Blogger scapology staff said…

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  • At 9:00 PM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    So apparantly November is the hot new wedding month. Who knew? Oh yeah, not only is my sisters wedding is only a few months away but I am cursed with being the short fat chick. All (and I mean ALL) my sister's friends are genetically blessed with height and bean pole status. It has absolutely nothing to do with how they eat or drink. I have known them since they were in cribs. I am on a mission....NOVEMBER 4th baby!

  • At 9:04 PM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    mine is sept 23rd - and same goes for me...short, fat, and curvy! I gotta lose atleast 35 of my 50 by then you think that is possible?? jenn

  • At 9:12 PM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    Certainly aim for 1-2 pounds a week. If you stall out, then seek everyone out for hard core walking with the stroller. It is doable. But you must be diligent. Usually, when I have plateauted it is because I drank too much of the fun juice or didn't do any activity. Crystal


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