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Monday, May 01, 2006

Weight Watchers in a NUT SHELL!

Determine how many points you need in a
day according to your current weight:

<150 lbs =" 20">
150-174 lbs = 22 points
175-199 lbs = 24 points
200-224 lbs =26 points
225-249 lbs = 28 points
250-274 lbs = 30 points
275-299 lbs = 31 points
style="color:#000000;">300-324 lbs = 32 ponts
325-349 lbs = 33 points
>350lbs = 34 points


<150 lbs =" 30">
150-174 lbs = 32 points
175-199 lbs = 34 points
200-224 lbs =36 points
225-249 lbs = 38 points
250-274 lbs = 40 points
275-299 lbs = 41 points
300-324 lbs = 42 ponts
325-349 lbs = 43 points
DAILY POINTS: These are your daily allowed points. Stick to
your daily points target to keep your metabolisim going to
carry out basic bodily funtions, and to lose weight at a safe
and healthy rate. Eating below your daily points target on
occasion is OK, but you should not ever go below 20 points.
As you lose weight - you may need to refer back to the chart
to adjust your daily point intake.

BONUS WEEKLY POINTS: In addition to your daily points
you are also allowed a bonus 35 weely points to spend on
whatever you want. Use the weekly points to add a little
something to your meals each day or to treat yourself to a couple
of weekly indulgences. You can use all, some, or none of your
allowance - the choice is up to you!!

Estimating Portion Size: use your hand as a guide
Fist= 1 cup or 1 medium whole fruit
Thumb (tip to base) = 1 ounce of meat of cheese
Thumb (tip to 1st joint) = 1 tablespoon
Fingertip (tip to 1st joint) = 1 teaspoon
Index Finger (1st to 2nd joint) = 1 inch
Cupped hand = 1-2 ounces of nuts or pretzels
Palm (minus fingers) = 3 ounces of cooked meat, poultry, fish

8 good health guidelines:
1. Eat atleast 5 servings of vegetables and fruits each day
2. Choose whole grain foods when possible
3. Include 2 servings of milk products (low fat or fat free) each day
4. Have some healthy oil each day (olive, canola, sunflower, flaxseed)
5. Ensure enough protein - asleast 2 servings
6. Limit added sugar and alcohol
7. Drink atleast 6 glasses of water each day
three of your six glasses can be caffeine free beverages
8. Take a multi vitamin supp each day

1. Increase your milk servings to 3 each day
2. Increase your fruits and veges servings to 8 per day
3. Increase your servings of oil to 3 teaspoons per day
4. Increase your water intake to 8 glasses per day

When you first join weight watchers, choosing and learning
a food plan is your priority. You'll want to focus your
energy on that until you're comfortable with your new
way of eating. Then, in your third'll want to
add approx 30 minutes of activity.

Weight Tracker:
I have uploaded a personal weight loss tracker to the
main Mother Inc website. It is an excel spreadsheet and I have
NO idea how to add it here. It is an awesome log to help
you keep track of how you are doing!

I have also devised a reward system... as follows:
For every 5 pounds you lose - you get a star

When you lose 25lbs you get this:

When you lose 50lbs you get this:

When you lose 75lbs you get this:

When you lose 100lbs you get this:

Point Tracker:
In the right hand column of this webiste you will
see a link that says: DAILY POINT LOG. There you
will find a page that you can print out to keep track
of how many points you have taken in for the day,
as well as how many servings of fruits and veges you
have eaten and how much water you have drank.



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