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Monday, September 04, 2006

Week 15 weigh in

Jennifer: -2 lbs

Catherine: -2.5

Laurie: no loss, no gain

Zoë -.5

Lora: -.5




Our total group weight loss for week 15 was: 5lbs (less Heather,Ashley,Belinda, Zoe)

How did ya'll do? Did anyone earn any awards this week. Let's have a reason to CELEBRATE!!!

The Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting award goes to: Catherine



  • At 7:56 AM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    So another loss for me..maybe I need to stay on crutches a bit longer - it seems to be working for me! No, actually - I saw my doctor on Friday and he gave me the go ahead to start walking on it again in the boot. Still somewhat of a challenge - but MUCH easier than crutches. I think for my pictures this might notice a bit of a change in my biceps! Yep - I have a bulge! LOL Anyways - about this months meeting. Anybody up for one? I could probably do it at my house. Does anyone have any specific dates that are better than others, or know of dates that they absolutely can't do it? I know I start back at work next week so Mondays and Tuesdays will be out for me - but other than that I'm game! How was ya'lls week? Jenn

  • At 11:49 AM, Blogger Lora said…

    I'm crawling along, but once again I haven't been very dedicated. I guess you can tell that my REAL goal was to get down to my pregegnacy weight. I'm so glad you took those pictures though. I keep picturing all that fat on my back and I remember that I really do want to lose more. I've gotten out of the practice of writing everything down. I plan to work on that this week. 3 and a half pounds in one week is not unheard of, but isn't going to happen unless I seriously buckle down.

    As for a meeting. I'll be out of town from September 12th thru the 21st and I've already booked up much of that last week of the month. So don't worry about including me. I'll make sure I get in on next month's.


  • At 5:46 PM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    I'm pretty flexible- I'll just work ya'll in between preschool, playdates and homework! :) Seriously, Abby's in preschool T/TH from 9:30-2, so I'd love a Thursday meeting. Otherwise I'm stuck in a library doing homework! But that's just me being selfish. I'll admit it.
    Jenn- I think you're doing a terrific job losing the weight you're losing when you can't work out that much! Kudos!!!
    Lora- a loss is a loss is a loss. I've needed to tell myself that many times. I think you're doing great! Drink your water and maybe I'll see you at a mall walk this week. :)

  • At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Way to go guys! I ordered a workout set called Turbo Jam and it just came in yesterday. It looks like alot of fun and hopefully I'll make some time this evening to try it out. I'll let ya know how it goes!!!

  • At 7:48 PM, Blogger Zoë said…

    Hi guys ~ I know I've been MIA for awhile, sorry! Anyway, I really have to get more dedicated about losing the rest of my weight. I haven't been exercising and I really need to buckle down and start. I HATE exercising, but I have to remind myself that I hate being overweight even more. Ugh, this sucks. Sorry, I guess I'm just kind of down right now. Hope everyone else's week is going good so far :)
    Jenn ~ my ticker should read 19.5 lb lost and 63 lbs to go. Ewww.

  • At 12:25 PM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    Hi everybody. This is Belinda. I know that I have not been in touch yet, but I have been keeping track of my weight loss and weight gain. At this point I still weigh the same as I did when I had first talked to Jenn. I as well have been doing a lot of stress eating and I have not worked out in a couple of weeks. I really need to get over my busy schedule and get to it. Any words of encouragement would be great. Jenn, I will weigh in Monday morning. Oh, I was wanting to know how to get the points system. I have no idea how many points there are in any food.

    I really want to get back into shape and lose my extra weight before my husband comes home from Iraq. That will be by Christmas. We are hoping.



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