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Monday, August 21, 2006

What Was I THINKING?!?!?

So with my new energy that has sparked I decided I needed to get to the gym. You'd think after not stepping foot in there in over 5 months I'd start out slow. Nooooooooo I look at the schedule and what class are they about to start just as I'm walking in?


HELLO! YEP I lasted the entire class! Ok so I was about to pass out right before the cool down but still. I did it and I like it! I am soooooo out of shape it's not even funny but I was popp'n and lock'n! If you could have been a fly on that wall you'd of got some cheap ol entertainment. Ahhhhhhhhh I walked out all smelly and red faced but Damn It I FELT GOOD! I'm sure tomorrow I'll be paying the price~I'll keep ya posted!

Peace Out and Word To Your MA-THA!
a.k.a So You Think You Can Dance Winna


  • At 7:00 PM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    Holy Macarole - is that a word?? I am sooo proud of you mamma!! I bet you got your groove on. Was your junk in the trunk just melting away!! You crack me up!! Are you still going to the lifetimes gym?? Once I get to feeling a bit better I would love to kick it with ya!! Let me know how you are feeling on Wednesday for sure! Jenn


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