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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

5K scheduled for February

Ok guys...after our discussion yesterday (and getting Catherine on board - whoo hoo) I have looked at my potential 2nd foot surgery dates and have set up our work out to start November 7th. I know that seems like a ways off - but just think about how much more weight you will have lost by then!! We'll all be feeling great about ourselves and running will seem sooooo much easier. Anyways - if you look at the calendar I have posted the first 2 weeks of our workout schedule. Catherine - if you are interested in walking instead of running... I have a schedule for that too!! Twelve weeks of prepping for this puts us into February in which I have found a 5K in austin that we can do. It't the Mardi Gras 5K in barton springs on February 10th. It'a a big family function in which I think it would be great if our families came out and cheered us on as we crossed the finish line. I know this seems like a bit far off... but I just want you guys to know how serious I am about this lets get it down in the books!! Here is the website for last years run...


  • At 6:01 AM, Blogger Lora said…

    I'm in!

    The timing on that is just about perfect.

    This is the Couch to 5k program I followed last time:
    I don't know how it compares, but thought you might want to take a peak at it. It took me from a complete none runner to running just fine.

    Can anybody recommend a good place to run outdoors with a jogging stroller? I need to check with his doctor, but I think Liam will be old enough to do one of these by then.


  • At 2:04 PM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    How about Brushy Creek park? And I have a friend who runs on the trails around Anderson Mill West, but she does it at the crack of dawn, so I don't know how it is with strollers.

  • At 3:27 PM, Blogger Lora said…

    God, I love it when I go back and read what I wrote and see all the spelling and grammatical errors!

    Brushy Creek is nice, but it gets a little too sandy in places. I might check out Milburn. I gather they have a good walking path, that's a one mile loop.


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