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Wednesday, September 06, 2006


How do you guys handle stress while dieting? I'm stressed to the max right now, and it's really hard for me to not eat everything in sight. Or drive through every Sonic, McDonalds, Burger King and Whataburger I see. Or buy all the chocolate at HEB. You get the idea. I haven't needed to deal with anything like this so far, so I need lots of suggestions.


  • At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Girl I am so not the one to ask. I think I told you that when Thomas was out of the town the last time I finally realized I was a HUGE stress eater. I drove through every fast food joint you mentioned and THEN SOME! I don't know what the solution is but am interested to hear what the others say! Just know you're not alone on this one!

  • At 2:34 PM, Blogger Lora said…

    Frankly, if I'm really that stressed I just go ahead and eat. If it's real out of the ordinary stress like your's is there isn't much I can do about it and I figure adding to the stress by trying to be good on my diet is just going to trampe on my self esteem. I give myself permission to indulge and I find that I end up feeling better and make better choices in the long run. And then I can use healthier coping skills to deal with the stress. You've got to have confidience that you CAN loose the weight if you gain a little when under unusual circumstances.

    For normal stress, I work hard to make sure I don't get hungry and have healthy nibbles around. I try to prevent the build up of stress with small treats, both food and nonfood.


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