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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Those darn feet

Well, I got word at the podiatrist office yesterday... it's time for the BIG surgery on my feet. We have run out of options - nothing else to try! The surgery is scheduled for Aug 11th - next Friday! I am Ok with having the surgery - I am just a bit worried as to how I am going to function post operatively. See... the plan is 2 weeks of NON WEIGHT BARRING on one foot, then 2 weeks in a walking boot, and then slowly get back into regular shoes again. NON WEIGHT BARRING - how are you supposed to take care of an 8 month old when you are on crutches and can't put your foot on the ground. How do you cook... how do you clean... how do you do the laundery... how do you stay entertained?? Do you want to hear the really sad part about it... they can only do one foot at a time. So after I heal from my right foot - they have to go back and do my left foot with the same procedure. Ugh - i am so frustrated!! I just don't know how we are going to do this.

The thing that I think upsets me even more - - is that I am not going to be able to exercise at all... I am afraid that the weight is just going to pile right back up on me. I mean - what am I gonna do. There is no way that I am going to be able reach my goal by September 23rd. What a downer.... any ideas?? Jennifer


  • At 12:20 PM, Blogger ZoĆ« said…

    I have no idea how much they are, but what about one of those hand pedal things? They look like bicycle pedals that you work with your hands. They are supposidly as good a cardio work out as a regular bike, I think.

  • At 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh girl, I hate that your going to have to go through all this. Well on the bright side~ For the first 16 weeks on weight watchers I did absolutely no exercise! Nothing, nadda, zelch and still lost 21 pounds. I think if you stay really consistent with your eating you will do fine. You might not lose too much but I don't think you'll gain either. Things happen that are out of our control but the important thing is to take care of yourself the best ya can. You may not make your goal by September 23rd but I'm sure you'll be better off than if you were doing nothing at all (not watching what you ate, not exercising). You're moving in the right direction this is just a bump, ok maybe a pothole, that you have to cross. Whatever I can do to help I will.

  • At 11:00 AM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    It really sucks about your feet, but hopefully the pain and back and forth with things will end.

    Don't worry the house and your diet really can't come completely undone in just two weeks. As for exercise, maybe this is the time to bring out some hand weights and work on the muscle tone in your arms.

    And don't stress about the date that you reach your goal, you are steadily moving towards it. I'd mainly worry about eating from boredom, so make sure you have lots of people stop my to entertain you, help with the little one and help around the house.


  • At 5:32 PM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    I'm so sorry you have to deal with this! I'll second Lora about the hand weights- I think there is probably a lot you can do there. Also, will you be able to still do things laying down? If so, you can do crunches and leg lifts. You may not lose a lot of fat, but if you're careful you won't gain, either- and if you do crunches and hand weights, you may be more toned after the ordeal, too.
    Let me know what I can do!


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