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Monday, July 31, 2006

This week's goal

Now that we are all drinking our water thanks to Jenn, here is a new goal.
Change up your workout somehow. It doesn't have to be a huge change, but if you do the same workout routine for weeks on end, your body gets used to it. While the exercise is still good, it's not as effective anymore. The week I lost 3 pounds, I completely revamped my workout. So- if you go to the gym, try spending some time on the bike instead of the treadmill. If you work out at home, pop in a new exercise video. If you walk around the neighborhood, go to a park that has a few hills, or get inexpensive light weights you can put around your ankles (I'm assuming we're all pushing strollers while we do this- if not, hand weights are great, too!) Here's what I'm doing: instead of going to the Y for my normal workout, I'm doing classes. I'll do cardio sculpt tomorrow, then whatever the 5:30 AM class is on Thursday, and water aerobics on Saturday. On Wednesday and Friday I'll be walking the mall with the moms group I recently joined. Next week will be the normal Y routine because Mike will be in TN, and I doubt I can find a babysitter for 5 AM. Anyone else have good ideas on how to change your workout? Post 'em here!


  • At 8:23 PM, Blogger Lora said…

    Great idea! I admit I don't have much of a workout routine at all. I walk, but the amount varies and I do it more to get my day moving then for exercise.

    What I really need to do it get more flexible and do my back exercises. So I will do ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes in the evening of that. It may not burn a lot of points, but it will make me feel better and more energenic.

  • At 10:53 AM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    I think that is a great idea as well!! I have been trying to do more exercises on the elliptical machine...but lately my feet have just been so terrible! I think i am going to try some tae boe this week instead!! What a great goal - thanks for posting it up!! Jennifer


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