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Monday, July 17, 2006

Week 8 weigh in!!

Hello ladies! After a great meeting last week...I think it really got everyone pumped up again for a new start!! I look forward to seeing all of your results!! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend.

Jennifer: -5 lbs (Whoa mamma - back on track!!)

Catherine: -1/2. At least it's something...How do you jump start so the losses are more like what happened earlier?

Zoƫ: ON VACATION IN L.A. - see ya when you get back!!!

Laurie: No loss, no gain. Holding steady

Lora: -1 lbs

Heather: -5lbs

Our total group weight loss for week 8 was: 11.5 lbs

How did ya'll do? Did anyone earn any awards this week. Let's have a reason to CELEBRATE!!!

The Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting award goes to: JENNIFER AND HEATHER!!!


  • At 5:40 AM, Blogger Lora said…

    Way to go Jennifer!

    I didn't do a very good job of tracking this week. Seeing that I lost weight dispite not being all that good gives me a very good feeling abot this week.

  • At 12:02 PM, Blogger Heather said…

    I have to admit I didn't do a great job journaling this week but I did keep the points totals in my head and look at the points before I ate which is a huge help! It must be starting to work 'cause I lost 5 pounds ... I'm so excited! Of course I think that was mostly cutting out the sweets and sodas but great motivation just the same.

    So question for you ladies. My soon to be wants to do the diet with me. (isn't he great) He is ultra supportive and we both want to get in better shape for Ryleigh ... want her to be proud of her mom and dad! How do I find his point totals? I don't tell him my weight so I don't ask his but if I had to guess he is just a tad over 200 right now (maybe 205/207 something like that)

    Great job this week guys!!

  • At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow what a great job ladies! Jen that is incredible~I am sooooo proud of you. Lora good start too! Cat~some people have told me to eat a few extra points on one day then cut back on the next to kind of give your metabolism a jolt. I don't know if this works or not but it's worth a try I guess! Hang in there girl~you've done an AWESOME job so far. A little at time is still a move in the right direction. :)

  • At 10:04 PM, Blogger Lora said…

    Heather, Men use the same chart as non-nursing moms.

    175-199 lbs = 24 points
    200-224 lbs =26 points
    225-249 lbs = 28 points

    You'll be able to eat more then him!
    Great week!

  • At 3:56 AM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    Wow guys - you all did fabulous this week!! I think the meeting last week really helped people stay focused again!

    Cat - I find that when I do have a bad couple of days...the minute I get back on track again (BEING STRICT) I tend to lose more weight! I've never lost 5 lbs in one week so I am pretty excited about that...but I think its due to be having a bad two weeks prior to that! I am not saying you should cheat by any means...but that is the trend that I have seen in my weight loss!

    Heather - I am so glad your hubby is gonna do it with you. Edwin, my husband, does pretty good too! He is not counting to the exact point, but he knows I am trying really hard and that it's easy for me to stay in control if he cooperates too! You had a great week girl.... keep it up!!! By gosh- we are gonna get in those dresses!! LOL

    Lora - losing weight without actally writing everything down is still great - because you KNOW you are adjusting your lifestyle alredy. You're doing great!! Can't weight to see what you weigh in is next week.

    Laurie - I MISS YOU!! It feels like it's been forever since we've be able to chit chat!! You're so skinny minny... I don't know how you have pounds to lose... as long as you're holding steady - THAT ROCKS!!!!

  • At 4:05 AM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    Hey guys - the tickers should be updated now!! Heather - I need you to email me with the amount of weight that you want to lose.... not current weight - but the number of pounds that you want to lose so that I can update your ticker correctly!!

    Great job guys!


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