
Welcome the the Mothers Inc Weight Watchers Support Team Blog. Feel free to read and submit posts as you like!! Lets do this together!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Week 7 Weigh In

So I thought I'd give Jennifer a break and post the week 7 weigh in by copying the week 6 one...and I almost deleted the whole post! Guess I'm not as computer savvy as I like to think I am LOL! Hopefully y'all did better than I did this week - I gained :( I am soooo glad we're having a meeting tomorrow, hopefully it will whip my butt in the right direction :) Hope to see y'all tomorrow! ~ Zoë

Jennifer: 0 It's been another rough week..but I am ready to get on the ball again!

Catherine: 1/2. I'm not liking 4th of July right now. :(

Zoë: +2 lbs


Lora: -3.5 (beginners water lost, I'm sure)

Our total group weight loss for week 7 was: 4 lbs

How did ya'll do?

The Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting award goes to: LORA!!! Way to go girl!!!


  • At 6:49 PM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    Thanks a million girl!! I have just been soooo busy lately!! Ok - I am being TOTALLY honest here...and it just kills me! I have fallen off the band wagon and I REALLY need some motivation to pick me up again. I have had a hard two weeks...Zoe, Cat, Laurie - you guys all know what's been going on in MY LIFE lately. Anyways - WW's just hasn't been a huge priortiy... and it sickens me even more to step on the scale and see it headed in the wrong direction! I WAS SO PROUD OF MYSLEF BEFORE - I HAD NEVER STUCK TO A DIET FOR A MONTH!! Anyways - I think I am going to start posting more stuff seems like when I was REALLY devoted to this made me focus on the program THAT MUCH MORE!! Ok - sorry to ramble! I just had to state my claim! JENN

  • At 7:35 PM, Blogger Lora said…

    I'm looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow and meeting those of you that I haven't gotten to met yet. My life has been so hectic lately. I can't believe that I added a diet on top of it all. I think our meeting tomorrow will definitely help me focus of things a bit better.

  • At 6:03 AM, Blogger Heather said…

    Good morning everyone!! I have to admit I have been a bit of a lurker from when I saw your post on Mothers Inc. I was assuming it was too late to join and lets face it, I was putting off that inevitable diet I needed to get going on. Ryleigh is 4 months old and I am still eating like I am pregnant. I was talking with Lora Monday and decided this is exactly what I need. I have a wedding dress to fit into on October so I need lots of motivation and this seems like the perfect spot. So is it ok if I join in with you guys??

  • At 8:15 PM, Blogger scapology staff said…

    Hey Lora - I hope you don't mind...I changed your post to say that you lost 3.5 lbs! It's easier for me to keep up with the tickers if we keep it to even numbers like 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5 - like that.... thanks girl!! Jenn


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